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Over the past year since starting the The_Lost_Anchovy I have been working hard on making the site more user friendly and accessible to the readers. I have been actively working to bring more content to the readers of the this site, and materials each person can use to make their kayak adventure easier, safer and more fun.
Over the winter I will be undertaking one of my biggest projects.
The Lost Anchovy will be on Air (PODCAST) in 2016. This is an exciting time and i look
forward to this new adventure.
I’m always looking for feedback and ways to make this site more relevant to the readers of this blog. If you have suggestions please feel free to comment below. Make sure to subscribe. There will be more exciting news in 2016!
Disclosure: Transparency is important to me. Some of the links in the website are affiliate links, meaning, at not additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click and make a purchase. These funds will help pay for the maintenance and upkeep cost of The Lost Anchovy. I am not promoted or sponsored by any of the products listed. If you enjoy the material consider supporting the site by purchasing through these links. Thank you for the support!! -TLA