Five Reasons to get into Kayak Fishing Today

Written by the Lost Anchovy 9.24.2019



Sharing is caring except when it’s crack and kayak fishing. Welcome to the madness,.

You are reading this article because you are on the cusp or at least thinking about making the plunge in to this world. As any responsible crack dealer will do I can’t let a good customer walk away.

Let me give you five good reasons why you should get into Kayak Fishing today. Consider this a free sample. Wanting more is going to cost you. =P

Let’s get started!

Kayak Fishing Community


Let’s jump straight into it. The number one reason to start Kayak Fishing today, in my opinion, is the Kayak Fishing Community. It is a fact –we are social animals. We thrive when we surround ourselves with friends, family, and loved ones that we can make genuine and lasting connections with.


The Kayak Fishing Community in Northern and Central California has a long history of camaraderie. It took me nearly five years into Kayak Fishing before I attended my first organized event – I should have started sooner.  Every time I get to meet new people, share a beer, meet old and new friends, I feel that much more connected to this sport and the community.

Health and Wellness

I cannot stress this enough. Our personal Health and Wellness should be priority #1. I think most people will agree with me when I say without being physically fit, and being strong mentally makes life brighter. 

Kayak fishing brings a combination of stress relief, physical exercise, and mental restoration. This is half the reason I got started with this sport.

View the metrics. Facts don’t lie. Losing weight is a great benefit!!!


Environmentally Responsible


Kayak Fishing is zero emissions, zero carbon footprint. It’s the Tesla of watercrafts.

Living in environmentally friendly California going green and finding ecologically friendly methods to do the thing we love to do is a win-win situation. Besides “saving” hundreds if not Thousands of dollars on fuel, registration, launching fees, and insurance, you are also helping to reduce your carbon foot print on the earth.


Getting closer to nature


There are few water sports that get you closer to nature then Kayaking. I have fished off boat and charter boats. Boats provide great access to the fishing ground, and more important they provide mobility, but most people who Kayak Fish will agree; Kayak Fishing is a completely different experience.

Being closer to water, the fish, nature, and the fight does something to the soul—It’s immersive. It takes me back to a simpler time in my life and the worries of life seem to melt away for the few hours I’m on the water

The high stress life of living in the Bay Area, or frankly, anywhere in California can drive a sane man to the edge. Kayak fishing is a short reprieve from life’s stress. It will strengthen your body, spirit and mind. It will leave you feeling refresh on many different levels. Returning back to life you will be fresher and more productive in your work and everyday life.


Simplicity, Affordability and Accessibility


There are many ways to get on the water and fish such as buy, charter, rent a boat, but you can also get into a kayak. I’m going to advocate for the latter here. Kayaks offer the tremendous amount of upside when considering all the facts. Let’s go over a few:


Kayak fishing is attractive to me because of its simplicity!! Keeping the yak simple is how I like to roll. Getting the kayak off my car and water ready in 5-8 minutes is a major deciding factor for me when getting in to the sport.


Let’s be honest. Getting into Kayak Fishing is not going to be cheap if you get all the bells and whistles, but it can be extremely affordable if you want to stick with the basics: Kayak, Paddle, Personal Flotation Device, VHF radio, Fishing Equipment.

Buying used equipment can get you in the sport for under 800 dollars. (Buying Used)

Let’s take for example, Hobies new entry-level passport. This new edition to the Hobie line up is focused on affordability and getting anglers on the water at a price point that won’t break the bank, however, there are more advanced kayaks such as the Hobie Revolution, Outback and Adventure Islands that are tailored to meet an anglers different needs.


 I believe this is the number one selling point of getting into Kayak Fishing Today. A kayak provides access to areas that can not simply be accessed any other way: No Boat ramps, No Parking Fees, No Launching Fees, No 4 a.m. dock lines out the parking lot; just unload and get straight into the water and be ready to fish.

Remote fishing locations such as Big Sur, Bolinas, Muir beach, and Timber Cove, just a name a few, offer stunning and rare views of the ocean that can only be seen through a kayak. If you think the Big Sur Coast if beautiful from highway 1; wait until you get on the water, among the kelp beds and iconic mountains.

Make not mistake having access to these beautiful and often remote areas is a major reason why many get into kayak fishing.

Big Sur Coast


If you have been on the fence about getting to this scene, I hope this article provides you with enough reason to get off the couch, put down the chips, and get on a Kayak!!! Life is too short to be sitting on the sidelines watching youTube videos of people doing what you dream of.

(First like, share and subscribe) before you leave.

Go to CCK in Oakland, Redwood City, or Rancho Cordova, and tell them TLA sent you.


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