Here are my Final Thoughts,
First off, I really appreciate those that came to my first Fish and Learn. As I said during the seminar that I do this for the love of the sport and the community. I’m proud of where we have grown since i first started Kayak Fishing and hopeful for a brighter and more responsible future.
For for those that attended, I know that there was a lot to cover in such a short amount of time; but I did my best to give attendees a large over view of this fishery. Halibut are a text book fish. Once you understand their behavior it gets a lot easier. I also want to thank the other season anglers that provided their input and added to the conversation
Since the event I have fielded multiple request for me to host other “Fish and Learn” events. Let me consider this. If anything, these will be much smaller gathering of “max 5 people”. Check the upcoming events section for possible hook ups.
It is best to sign up for updates from the site. This way you will be updated on new and upcoming TLA events.
So here are some photos from the Fish and Learn.
[metaslider id=”1912″]
Learn about:
Bait Choices for California Halibut
Best locations in the bay and ocean to target Halibut
Targeting tides
How to properly net/gaff halibut
Learn how halibut migrations around the bay.
Preparing your catch.
Basic Kayak Fishing Tips:
Dress for immersion
Emergency plans
The Importance of PFDs and fishing buddies
MBF will be available tomorrow for those wishing to have some fun. $20 to participate.
Ariel_Sea will be handling sign ups in the morning.
Final Update:
I’m looking forward to meeting everyone going out tomorrow. I know there are some new faces so please make sure to come over and say hi. I got some hot dogs and chicken wings for the grill tomorrow, in addition to fruit and drinks. I think that I mainly come for the food.
Bait and Tackle:
I am going to go catch bait in a little bit for tomorrow, however, i shouldn’t be your primary bait supplier tho . I will also tie up some halibut tackle to share for those who may need some assistance. I will have about 20-25 three way leaders at the event.
The T-shirts are in and they loook great!! I always print a few extra but i don’t have much. Come catch me if you want to pick one up.
Just a reminder to sign waivers in the morning. I will try and make it out to help any new people with the basics of halibut fishing. We will come in for lunch around 1 and i’ll do the full seminar from 1-2 p.m. I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
Shirt and Lunch Purchases Closes 5/1/2018.

Tide Table: (May 11-13)
Tides for Oyster Point Marina starting with May 11, 2018.Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible
F 11 Low 4:31 AM 1.4 6:03 AM Rise 4:08 AM 24
11 High 10:09 AM 5.3 8:09 PM Set 4:13 PM
11 Low 4:12 PM 0.8
11 High 10:39 PM 6.6
Sa 12 Low 5:09 AM 0.8 6:02 AM Rise 4:40 AM 16
12 High 11:07 AM 5.4 8:10 PM Set 5:16 PM
12 Low 4:53 PM 1.0
12 High 11:10 PM 7.0
Su 13 Low 5:47 AM 0.1 6:01 AM Rise 5:13 AM 9
13 High 12:01 PM 5.7 8:10 PM Set 6:22 PM
13 Low 5:33 PM 1.3
13 High 11:42 PM 7.3
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Maybe I missed it, is everyone meeting in the morning?
Those that feel comfortable with Halibut fishing can leave on their own in the morning. I will take a group of beginners to look after them. I will give a 5-10 minute lay of the land at 7 am for those needing some instructions in the morning. Looking forward to seeing you in the morning.
I purchased the T-shirt and lunch online 4/28. The shirt wasn’t sent so I assume I pick it up at the event. Right?
I look forward to the event and meeting new yakkers.
Yes I will pass them out at the event. See you in the morning
Final Update at the top of the page. Please read! I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for the fish and learn. –TLA
Keith, do we need to reserve in advance or just show up on Saturday for the Halibut Lunch and Learn?
If you want to get a shirt and lunch you can go to the upcoming
event section and get it. If you want to just show up and fish,
I will be there in the morning with Waivers to sign before launch.
Lunch and seminar is from 1:00-2:00 p.m. (bring a side dish to the party to share!)
Last CHANCE To get the shirts and lunch before i close it off on 5/1/2018. -TLA
I am stoked to meet and fish with new people.! Any recommendations on tackle to bring?
Just bring a standard three way rig for Halibut. It’s on my tutorial. You can also buy these rigs at any local fishing supply store. I’ll have a few premade rigs that I can give people at the event.
Got it..i already pre-made a couple.
I have Updated the fish and learn. Make sure to purchase shirt and lunch
for the event!! Last year the shirts sold out quick and space became limited by event day.
Get on it early. Thanks — TLA
I think it’s a great idea! My wife and I would definitely attend! Are we bringing our own kayaks? Let me know if you decide to do this!
Yes. Everyone needs to bring their own kayaks. If you need to rent kayaks you can do so at various locations. Make sure to know and follow all the safety rules.
I’m in for two shirts, one short sleeve, one long sleeve both Lg.
I’ve open shirt purchases online. Go ahead and get it via the link.
Thanks. — TLA
Count me in.. I think I’ve seen you guys out at Oysterpoint last year.
I have a 2016 Hobie pro 14′ fully outfitted.
The shirts are cool.
I want one. XL please.
Im Looking forward to meeting some cool people and learning some new tricks.
See you guy’s in May.
I’ve updated the Fish and Learn. If anyone is interested in purchasing a shirt and lunch for 15 dollars, let me know. If there is enough interest, i will go ahead and put in an order for the shirts. The event is FREE to participate but everyone attending must sign a waiver form. The FORM will be posted online and there will be forms on the day of the event.
Sounds like a deal to me. I would definitely go for a shirt and lunch for $15
I’m in for a t-shirt and lunch. Thanks!
Awesome! Count Me In. Do you know the cost and when you’re going to open up registration? Thanks Eric
I m very interested too!!!
We are interested in this. We’ve been trying for halibut a bit in our small aluminum boat- and would
love to try in our sit on top kayaks! We have been successful crabbing, but catching a big fish is another thing!
I’ll be there. Looking forward to learning about halibut and meeting everyone.
I would also like to come out. My son and I both drove out from Reno last year for the ARW tourney. Had a blast even after driving back from san diego just the day before from the Islander Mothreship trip. Incredible food and atmostsphere. Had no Idea about the food spread and felt somewhat guilty for not bringing anything. Won’t make that mistake again.
Count us in. Is the May 12 date official?
Also is there any idea of when this years ARW tourney will happen?
Thanks for the offer and look forward to fishing with you guys.
I would love to learn from the Master! Count me in
You don’t count Darius. You are practically a certificated guide to bean hollow. LoL. Come out and enjoy the weather and company.
What if I don’t own a kayak?
You can rent one from CCK (California Canoe and Kayak) or you can go on NCKA and see if there would be anyone willing to help you out for the day. If you are completely new to kayak fishing (like never touched a kayak in your life, except for going hawaii kinda stuff),
I would recommend doing a guide trip for the day.
If there is enough new people, I may can ask Ariel and Tammy from CCK if they can put together a oyster point trip guided trip for those interested. I imagine like 4-5 people min. for them to make it happen.
Thank you for organizing this event. I’ll join you guys!
Jonathan, There are groups of us that have been in the kayak fishing community for a long time and we know each other very well.(Probably why we put off the cliquey vibe), some of us have been to each others weddings and much more. –It’s a brotherhood. When i first started i felt the same way, but i slowly reached out and got to know people. Sharing a few beers tends to do the trick!! Try to find some people that you mesh with and spend some time fishing with them. Offer people some of your bait and any knowledge you may have picked up. I’m sure over time you will find that inclusive kayak community you have been looking for. That’s when it is hard to work cause your buddies always calling you out to fish!! and your wife starts giving your dirty looks. lol
Very interested in sharing ideas, skills, and comradely. I didn’t make registration for last halibut derby in alameda, but went anyway ( I live there). Caught the biggest fish. Tried to chat with a few people…found them all a little “cliquey”. Would love to become part of an inclusive kayak fishing community
I was at the Rock Wall tournament as well. Showed up not knowing anyone besides my buddy who came with me. My impression was totally opposite of yours. I found everyone there approachable, encouraging and friendly. I’d never caught a halibut and had no clue what I was doing but still had a blast out there. Looking forward to this event as it seems there will be more sharing of technique, etc. as that’s what I need. You didn’t try to talk to me as I would have been happy to chat. I’m in Alameda as well.
Glad you had a great time Steve. Looking forward to seeing you again this year!
I’m certainly not here to bring peeps down. Yes, familiar with how to share a beer and hang out. As a firefighter, also familiar with camaraderie. I’ve had to break in to tight knit groups for common goals. Just sharing my opinion. I’m a hunter as well. I always share info on animals whereabouts, habits, bait, techniques. Anxious to learn from others.
Count me in please
Whoo hoo sounds like this is going to happen, looking forward to it!
Sounds like alot of fun! I’m interested
Love to get in the water
Yes, I am interested. Keep me posted. NCA handle: prowler 2
I’m in! Thanks!
Definitely interested, thanks!
I’m definitely interested.
Very interested
This is a great idea, thanks for thinking of it and putting it together.
I am interested.
Thanks again
I’m in as well. Looking forward to learning about butts.
Always ready to learn and fish I’m in.
I’m not available to fish until May
But I would love to join
Yes, I’m very interested. Thanks for offering.
I’m most definitely in! Thanks!
Count me in, When is this event?
TBD determined for now. I’m just sending out feelers for the Fish and Learn. If there is a good response i will organize something and possibly seek some small sponsorships for those that attend.
I have been looking for something like this and would like to meet folks with my same interests
Let us know! Depending on date I’m in!
Very much interested! We would love to join/attend. Thank you in adavnce!
Interested! Please keep me posted. Don’t know if I can help with organization but would be happy to.
I would diffidently attend a halibut fish and learn.
Awesome! Love to learn it from the best.
I love this idea. I would love to learn from the best of the best. I’m most certain a lot people feel the same way.