Lake Berryessa King Salmon Slam


Join TLA this week as I travel north to beautiful lake Berryessa in search of land lock king salmon. The King Salmon are a planted species that are smaller in size than their ocean counter parts but equally as good in taste. Lake Berryessa is home to many species such as Bass, Trout, Crappie, King Salmon and catfish. Freshwater fishing is arena for this Chovy. Does TLA get the kings bite or does TLA get schooled in freshwater fishing. Watch and find out what a land lock salmon will eat.

Chinook Salmon: The landlocked Chinooks (also known as “kings”) we have here in lakes like Folsom, Berryessa, Spaulding, Almanor, Don Pedro, etc. are surplus salmon reared in hatcheries along the American, Sacramento and Feather rivers.

They’re the offspring of king salmon that came up out of the ocean and into the rivers to spawn. The Department of Fish and Game always raises extra fish to make sure they hit their quota numbers for releasing back into the rivers. The baby kings that don’t get sent back down the rivers go into the lakes, where they’ll live for 3 to 4 years and then die without spawning.

Kings are extremely bright silver in color and have lots of blotchy spots along their dark green backs. Their mouths are filled with sharp teeth situated on dark black gums


Terminal Tackle

Where to target and what to do:

Lake Berryessa is home to many freshwater species but the King and Kokanee Salmon are the prized fish of the lake. Like its cousin the Ocean King Salmon the land lock species act in very much the same manner that you would expect salmon to behave. For more a more in depth tutorial on targeting King Salmon from a Kayak check out my King Salmon Fishing Tutorial.

The Key to finding the land lock King Salmon is target the schools of Shad that inhabit the Lake. The shad is the natural feed for many of the top predators in the lake. The land lock salmon feed in the early mornings and late evenings, so there is often two opportunities to target them. Troll around the school of shad with a green hoochie, live or frozen shad, minnows, or even cut plug herring.(Learn to catch your own herring) The salmon are keyed in on small flashy bait that resemble shad, and when they are feeding they will not hesitate to attack it.


Here is an examination from the stomach of a recently caught Salmon. I apologize for the graphic content but image the proof is in the pudding, as people like to say.

King Salmon Fishing Photos

Do you have an awesome TIP to catch land lock Salmon at Lake Berryessa? Leave a comment below and help the community grow!

2 thoughts on “Lake Berryessa King Salmon Slam”

  1. Hey TLA, Thanks for all the tutorials and helpful stuff you put out. It has helped me alot and I am sure others as well. take care.

    1. The Lost Anchovy

      Thank you. I’m constantly trying to learn new material myself. As i keep growing i’ll document it on TLA to help all of us become better fisherman. — TLA

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