How to fish the annual Herring spawn
Have you ever fished with a Sex Herring? If not, you’re missing out on one of the bay areas most closely kept secret. If you can’t catch fish…Seduce them with “SEX HERRING!!!”

(Picture is self explanatory)
The San Francisco herring spawn is one of the last great urban fishery in America. Every year masses of pacific herring spring from the depth of the ocean to partake in this ancient breeding ritual that last from late December in to March.
For me the winter herring spawn marks the end and start of the fishing season. The pacific herring is the staple diet of the marine ecosystem. The pacific herring and other small finfish are necessary to maintaining a healthy and vibrant ocean, so it is vital we fish responsibly to ensure the future sustainability of this fishery.

The Pacific Herring(Clupea pallasii)
Biology: Pacific herring are a schooling species found throughout the coastal zone from California around the Pacific Rim to Korea. They are olive green-dark blue to silvery, with an average size of 6 inches (160mm) in San Francisco Bay. In California they can live up to 8 years and they feed primarily on euphausiids, copepods, amphipods, fish larvae, and mollusks. In California herring are found near shore during spring and summer and migrate to bays and estuaries to spawn from November through April.
CDFW Cite Source: [January, 6, 2016]
San Francisco Bay Herring Spawn Potential
Based on the data collected from the CDFW as much as 80% of the herring spawn potential occur within the boundaries of Richardson’s bay. Herring spawn in rocks piles, wood pilings and vegetation. When spawning occur females deposit eggs on the structure while males release milt that often churn the water milky white.
Herring spawns typically occur 2-3 days, in one particular location. Pacific herring will typically not spawn in the same area within a year. Shoals can be located by looking for diving birds and feeding sea lions along the bay shoreline .
Herring Spawning Locations
The following are areas where I have first hand experience with catching herring. I have been working hard to collect data and find a pattern to the herring spawn. Honestly, I don’t have enough data to provide an adequate prediction of their breeding behavior to share. It is known that herring will typically spawn in the same area year after year, so take this data as you may.
Spawning Locations
North Bay Paradise park, San Quentin, Peninsula Point, Fort Baker
South Bay: Coyote Point, Fisherman’s Point,
Central Bay: Aqua Vista Park, Pier 14, Ferry building, McCovy Cove
East Bay: Point Richardson, Alameda Rock Wall

Terminal Tackle
During the herring spawn the popular method for taking fish is cast netting. Purchase nets based on your skill level. Net radius range from 5 ft to 10 ft. There are many tutorials online on how to throw a cast net, but i’ve found many people willing to show a newbie the ropes on the spawning grounds.

It is advisable to fish areas “away” from the rocks. Although it is tempting to throw the net right over the spawning fish there are many submerge rocks and pilings that will snag and entangle the net leading to break offs and lost gear.
Finding people “In” the water retrieving their snagged gear is a pretty common occurrence during the spawn. Nothing sucks more than watching people fill up with coolers of herring while your net is snagged on a rock or a piling.
Traditional line and hook

Fishing with hook and line still remains a popular method. A traditional rod and reel with a 12 size Sabiki lure and 2 ounce weight should get fish. Sabiki lures can be bought locally at sporting good shops from 1.75 up to 3.99 depending on size and line strength. (Fishery Supply A.K.A. Fish Mom ); on Story Rd and McLaughlin sells sabikis for $1.75 each if you live near San Jose.
Packing and preserving Herring
Some people preserve herring for food while other use them for bait. I’m personally a bait guy. I think nothing lands large fish like Sex herring. Seduce your way to large fish with some sex herring. You won’t go back!!
FACT: If you don’t like feral cats circling your house for a week this isn’t the fishery for you. Cats will miraculously appear from miles around and circle your house. Personal experience here folks.
Through trial and error this is the best method that I have found to preserve herring for the summer fishing season. This is the cheapest and most economical way to preserve your bait, in my humble opinion.

Purchase large sand which zip bags. Fit six – eight pieces of herring into each bag. Place those smaller bags into larger gallon “ZIP LOCK” freezer bags and store them away in a dedicated garage freezer.
I tried imitating the “Blue Label” Herring trays by vacuum sealing them. This did not turn out well because the herring came out looking squashed and awkward because due to the vacuum. I prefer my bait looking the same as the day I caught them.
The pacific herring spawn is an exciting time in the bay area. The winter months offer a plethora of opportunities to fish and forage the bay. The herring spawn offers a short window to see the wonders of what nature has perfected over thousands of years. The event is something to behold and we must work hard to preserve it for future generations. Best of luck, and tight lines – TLA
Updated 1.7.2016
Hi friends,
Any herring run update?
Head to the water front by the chase center. It’s loaded and we’re catching
Do you think I am to late to catch the herring spawn 2020-2021 season? Thinking of going on the 29th-3rd
Let me know!
I hope not because it is now February 22 and I’m going out tomorrow to throw my cast net (for the first time) to see if there’s anything left. Whether we catch fish or not, it will be a blast giving it a whirl.
Hi I’m new to saltwater fishing and looking for tips on the herring spawn.
In the ca fish and game 28.80dip nets and Hawaiian throw nets. Dip nets of any size and baited hoop nets not greater then 36 inches diameter maybe used to take herring. Does that mean the net has to be 36 inches circle? I see a lot of guys on YouTube using way bigger diameter nets is that legal?
Any infos appreciated for a newb who wants to get some equipment and try herring fishing
Here is the regulation:
28.80. Dip Nets and Hawaiian Type Throw Nets. Dip nets of any size and baited hoop nets not greater than 36 inches in diameter may be used to take herring, Pacific staghorn sculpin, shiner surfperch, surf smelt, topsmelt, anchovies, shrimp and squid.Hawaiian type throw nets may be used north of Point Conception to take such species
NOTE: There is not upper limit stated for Hawaiian throw nets which is what people are using.That is why you see such large nets. However, I prefer a 6 ft net. It is more than enough to do what i need.
Good luck,
Thank you thelostanchovy. Enjoy reading and learn a lots. I started chasing the herring on my kayak last year, had fun but did not net any herring. Looking forward to change my luck with thelostanchovy.
Great info!
Wanting to not miss the spawn this year/time (12/23/17).