2025 Herring Spawn Report

2025 Herring Spawn Report




My favorite time of the year is here!! Herring hunting is a fantastic way for families, kids, and local fishing enthusiasts to connect with this seasonal fishery. This annual tradition has grown into a fun and rewarding ritual, enjoyed by dedicated herring hunters and newcomers alike. Join ALL!!

With the first rains of December and the passing of the King Tides, it’s time to watch for Pacific herring returning to the bay. If you have updates, sightings, or photos, you’re welcome to email them directly to me at [email protected].

This thread is powered by community participation. I work hard to sift through all the available information to bring you the most accurate and up-to-date reports. For the best coverage, I recommend following this thread along with my updates on Instagram and YouTube.

2025 Herring Spawn Report

December 16, 2025

I’m going to start the thread here.  It is still early in the season but there could possibly be some scouter schools around given the big king tides this weekend! 

Last year was tough and i’m hoping for better Herring Hunting in 2025! Once again the majority of the spawns are found in Sausalioto but i am hopeful there will be plenty in other known spots! I’ll keep my eyes and ears open! Feel free to give me a DM on instagram or an Email if you guys have any good info! It’s a group effort for group spoils! — TLA


December 28, 2024

We begin this herring hunting season with heavy hearts but also with great hope. This week, I received the sad news that a fellow herring hunter, acquaintance, and kayak fisherman passed away this December due to a medical condition.

Mark Aquino, known as “Outdoor School of Thought,” always brought a bright smile and a friendly demeanor during the times I shared with him. His warm presence and willingness to share information were invaluable to this group and the kayak fishing community we were both part of. However, his true passion always seemed to draw him to the rocks at Half Moon Bay, where he frequently visited the jetty to pursue his spirit fish—the Monkeyface Eel.

Whenever I saw him on the herring grounds, he would greet me with a big smile and an enthusiastic, “Hey Keith! Good to see you, bro!” He would then eagerly share his latest intel about the fish.

I pray that Mark finds peace in the great beyond, where the eels and herring are abundant. Rest in peace, Mark, “Outdoor School of Thought.” You will be deeply missed on the herring grounds.

Mark_Aquino Sex Herring Hunting
Mark_Aquino Sex Herring Hunting
Mark Aquino "Outdoor School of Thought" with some Eels
Mark Aquino "Outdoor School of Thought" with some Eels

On to the report!

I have good news for my fellow herring hunters! We have our first confirmed herring sightings in the Bay. Several reliable sources have informed me that the fish are inside the Bay now. I’m currently tracking their movements and plan to do a scouting trip soon.

There have been reports of spotty fish in Sausalito (Richardson Bay), where they often gather. My friend Yao (IdleFishing) also posted a herring haul recently. Check out his Instagram!  Looks like it’s at the Alameda Rock Wall! I’m gonna go check it out tomorrow!

Sex Herring at Alameda Rock Wall!

Update Feb. 25, 2025

Thanks, everyone, for following the thread this year and sharing updates. After the late January run, the fish stayed in the bay for a while, but the larger schools eventually moved back to the ocean. The Humboldt Bay run lasted a few days, with many anglers up there reaching their limits. There was also a brief run in Alameda, which I shared on my Instagram, but overall, there wasn’t much else to report. Unfortunately, the Agua Vista (Chase Center) run never materialized, but there was as short (Day run in Ferry Point). 

On the bright side, this year’s herring spawn was better than in 2024. The opportunity to get on the fish was there, but as always, it required effort and dedication. This fishery demands commitment, but in my humble opinion, the reward is well worth it.

Let’s hope the salmon season opens, even if only for a limited time. With halibut and rockfish seasons just around the corner, there’s plenty to look forward to. Also, I’ll be updating the Herring Spawn Tutorial during the off-season with fresh, detailed, and tailored information to help you make the most of your time. Stay tuned! 

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to this thread. See you next year for the 2026 Herring Spawn!


January 19, 2025

For those looking to get into the Herring NOW is the time to go to Sausalito and load up. Over the last few days, since Thuy and I got on the fish, the activity has picked up big time. The fish are actively spawning on the eel grass to the shoreline(ROCKS).


Due to the sporadic nature of these fish it’s hard to tell you exactly WHEN they will go off but Now its he time to target them. As always target the tide changes and hopefully you are there when they are near.

For those looking to process your herring for bait; check out this video from Thuy (Fishing 247). This will save you a lot of time and is the best method to preserve you fish for the spring and summer fishing! Good luck herring hunters! -TLA

January 16, 2025

The fish are active and they are spawning! Usually late in the evening. They are rushing along the rocks and pilings in Richardson’s Bay. The Spawn is actively on so now is just putting in the time to get get on one! Here is some advice from a Chovy!!

So far, there are two main times to get on the fish: late in the afternoon and at night. Here’s some footage of herring hunters catching them during the evening. They can typically be found along the docks near Spinnaker and Salito’s Restaurant at the end of high tide. FYI, this can sometimes be quite late. Be prepared, as aggressive sea lions have been ripping nets, make sure to bring a spare, just in case.

Today, January 16, 2025, Fishing247 and I found the fish near some pilings and docks. I recommend scouting the bay for a pod of 4–5 sea lions actively hunting—that’s usually the best spot to start searching for herring.

Good luck herring hunters!! – TLA


January 14, 2025 (Updated)

There is good action today in front of the Salitos! Lots of activity outside near the sail boats and then they came in to shore at 1:30 pm.  Looks like the morning tide is finally producing! Have to target those tides around the slack and cross your fingers they are there. Gotta go to know but they are active!

It’s here, folks—the height of the 2025 herring spawn season! Excitement is in the air as we’re just one day away from Fishing247’s anniversary, a milestone that marks every herring spawn season with celebration and Jubilation! 

Tomorrow is the Big Day!

Happy Anniversary Fishing 24/7!!! Let the Herring Spawns Begin!


With the first half of the moon phases behind us, the waxing moon heading toward full has kept the fish active, especially in the late afternoons at Richardson Bay. Anglers who put in the work from 2 PM until sunset, including those casting from shore, have been rewarded handsomely.

Boat fishing continues to be the most productive method, thanks to the fish spawning on the eelgrass near Dunphy Park. However, land-based anglers are eagerly awaiting the fish to move toward the rocks as the eelgrass spawning winds down.


I went Tesla Camping and Herring Hunting on Friday January 10, 2025. The fish arrived earlier at 6-8 pm, but i was a little late! Can’t complain about the view tho! Yah i didn’t get on them, but that is herring hunting!

Looking Ahead

The next favorable tide set occurs from January 25–29 during the new moon phase. These tides might shift activity to the mornings—an ideal window for both boat and shore anglers. Of course, these are just predictions, and like any stock market analyst, I have a 50/50 chance of being right!

The best strategy is simple: get out there, target the tides, and hope to hit it just right—or even better, stumble upon an active spawn.

Good luck, herring hunters, and Happy Lunar New Year!

SF tide chart

January 9. 2025

The action is picking up significantly over the last few days! All signs point to an spawn any day now. That is the consensus from most herring hunters that i have spoken with. The fish have been running during the turn of the afternoon tide by dunphy park. Yesterday, January 8, 2025 myself and a few friends went out and we got a cooler and 1/4 bucket but not a full open spawn yet. We still grinding a few fish and then the occasional big haul. 

Remember! Get a net with LEAD weight! It has to be heavy enough to sink to the bottom and net the fish. If you are in the south bay fishery supply on story road has a good assortment of nets that work! Min 5-6 ft net.

There was a run at ferry point on January 7, 2025 but it died off by the time i was able to chase it down. The best location still continues to be in Sausalito! Just waiting on them to hit land and get their spawn on for the shore guys. However, for now its a boaters and kayakers fishery.  It’s best to follow me on instagram and youtube for quicker updates if you looking to get out on the fish! –TLA

January 6, 2025

Happy New Year!This time of year, the reports tend to slow down until we start seeing a clear trend signaling that the fish are about to make a move. Predictions around herring spawns are often speculative—let’s be honest, none of us fully understand what drives them! But we do our best with the information we have, including Thuy’s anniversary as a guide.

Let’s dive in!

A word of Caution

Be aware that there are many “questionable” reports circulating. It’s always wise to take each one with a grain of salt unless you trust the credibility of the source. Use them as guidelines, but rely on your own observations and instincts as well.

Scouting Update

Since the last report, I’ve been monitoring the bay for signs of an impending herring spawn. Most of the reliable intel suggests the fish have been moving back and forth between the Sausalito deep boating channel and the eelgrass in front of Dunphy Park. On any given day, they might show up—or just as easily disappear.

Saturday, January 4, 2024
A few friends and I took the boat out to check the usual spots: Pier 52, Richardson Bay, and Ferry Point. Unfortunately, the day was uneventful. We only landed two herring among four people—yes, it was that slow. But hey, that’s the nature of herring hunting! You can check out Moo’s youtube video of that trip HERE


Chovy Superstitions? 

Based on my observations, here’s my best guess for when we might see some spawning action. Take it with a grain of salt, but these are the days I think hold the most promise for some exciting herring activity.

For real-time updates, follow me on YouTube and Instagram—I often share news there first. Good luck out there, fellow herring hunters!



129 thoughts on “2025 Herring Spawn Report”

  1. Pingback: Fish in the Bay – February 2025. Shaduary Continues. – Otolith Geochemistry & Fish Ecology Laboratory

  2. Slow start for us at Crescent City Harbor. The first few Herring were caught on Sabiki’s.
    Some guys off the Coast Guard Jetty were able to get a few.
    The Run is building but most are waiting for the Schools to build towards critical mass.
    I figure by this weekend they should be in large enough schools to be easier to catch.
    Maybe even net from shore but probably best for nets and Sabiki’s from a boat or kayak.
    This is one of our later starts to the Herring Run. Second latest in 18 years.

    I hope you guys in SF Bay can still find some Herring.
    I remember some years back, there was a Run and Spawn in March.

    1. Really hard to say. SF Bay is so big and there have been a few years where
      late Runs have happened. That being said, It is not normal for Runs this late.

      Wait and see what Kevin thinks.

      Here in Humboldt Bay the runs and Spawns are over a large area so we have
      to be on top of the scouting to make sure we find them.
      Crescent City Harbor and Newport Bay are completely different.
      They have had very good Runs and the Herring are usually concentrated in
      certain confined areas. Sometimes like fishing in a barrel.
      If you are interested in those areas, check out:
      “Crescent City Del Norte County Fishing Facebook” and
      ” IFish ” ” Salty Dogs” on line.
      Crescent City Harbor’s Herring Run is expected to start any day now.
      You can see some of the action on the Crescent City Harbor Cam.
      Newport Bay in March. They have a Cam also at the Embarcadero Docks.

      Good hunting guys. Hope it still happens for you.

    2. Brother in law went hiking up Rodeo Road off 101 today around 3 pm and saw a spawn happening in Sausalito. He sent me a video but it’s far off but said it was a big commotion with a lot of birds diving.

  3. It appears like the Run and Spawn in Humboldt Bay is over for us up here.
    Eggs spotted on the Eel Grass as the schools of Herring have dissipated.
    It was an average year for us here. Not the best year but people got some.
    Our attention will now focus on Crescent City Harbor which should start soon.
    Last year was an exceptional Herring Run and Spawn at Crescent City Harbor.
    Not expecting this year to be as good as last years month long Run and Spawn.

    I hope that you guys in SF Bay can get a few more Runs and Spawns of Herring.
    It has not been very good so far. One never knows about SF Bay as it does appear
    to get a few different Runs and Spawns each year. Yeah, even into February.
    Keep the faith, keep looking and spread the good word if you spot them.

  4. Question for my Herring Foraging colleagues: If you’re like me, you are seriously craving some Herring brushed with olive oil, rosemary & garlic on the BBQ.

    What’s going on? About 5 years ago on January 23rd, I threw my net along south Bridgeway. It almost took longer to find a parking place than it did to fill 2 5 gallon buckets with Herring. It was elbow to elbow. I saw people filling large Coleman coolers with the silver harvest.

    Climate change affecting water temps and spawning habits? Have they moved to Northern CA, OR, WA, or AK?

  5. Nothing early Feb 1st but there was a Hugh group of gulls going crazy somewhere to the left but couldn’t see them I tried to drive closer but couldn’t find them so they were doing something early like 4:20ish

  6. Fri Jan 31st, 4:30pm – I don’t know where the herring are, but I know where they are not. Not at Ferry Point, Point Richmond. Threw the net a few times and no signs of fish nor eggs.

  7. We’d at 5:20 – I stopped by Ferry Point in Point Richmond and threw the net a few times and I can tell you that they are not here.

  8. Saturday 1/25/25 launched out of Berkeley and hit Belvedere right at sunrise – high tide. No birds but a half dozen seals milling around. We marked big balls of bait in 20’-30’ of water. Nothing in shallow and only saw a few eggs on the pieces of grass I pulled in with my net. Threw my 8’ cast net a bunch of times for a fish or two here and there. Got lucky with three different casts in the deeper water that just caught a school as it passed by. Managed half a bucket in two hours. Checked out around Tiburon too for nothing.

  9. Fri 1/24, 4:30pm. Point Richmond is all quiet. Threw the net a couple of times and pulled up a little unlucky perch. No signs of herring yet.

  10. Zero herring in Richardson Bay on Friday, January 24- morning. Not one harbor seal, zero pelicans, and less than a couple dozen cormorants. That suggests the fish are somewhere else, not too far away. The resident harbor seals were absent. All of them.

    1. Nothing today by McCovey cove, Pier 50, Agua Vista. . We didn’t get much the last two years…hope this is not a trend. Will check frequently but a bit worried.

  11. Not sure if this is even worth reporting, but saw a massive swarm of gulls hitting the water just south of the Bay Bridge on SF side, stretched at least 1/4 of a mile towards South Beach., about 200-300 yards off Pier 30/32. I was about a mile and a half away on 18th floor of my office building and could see activity.
    Time to start checking the SF spots?!?

    1. Thanks! I good to know and to keep our eyes open that direction. The next large set of tides are set to come soon.
      I’m thinking they may pop up again soon! Thanks!

  12. Humboldt Bay went wide open today. The main channel is loaded with Herring schools.
    Nets were done in less than a half hour.
    Sabiki’s for a 5 gallon bucket in 3 hours.

    Sounds like the whole coast is having a good Herring run.
    Go get em guys.
    Some are just using Sabiki’s so they can spend more time catching.
    They don’t want it to be over so soon.

    Keep up the good catching SF Bay Herring fishers.
    It doesn’t get much better than this.
    May be the perfect time to get the kids into catching fish.
    Sabiki’s on a Herring school is almost a guaranteed catch trip.
    The type of Sabiki does matter at times.
    Sometimes they like the red bead, sometimes the green.
    Sometimes they don’t like the bigger Sabiki’s.
    Who knew they could be so picky.

  13. Missed the Salitos shore spawn by a couple hours last night. Slow pick moving around. Then the sea lions found me and destroyed me! Left at midnight.

  14. Jan 19. 9pm. Attention boaters. The tip of Belvedere had a spawn going on at sunset. Filled a bucket with 5 casts towards the shore. Sounds like it was happening there earlier this afternoon. Saw some boats working the shore on Tiburon side. The fishies could be working their way around the coast and Elephant Rock is next???

  15. THE SPAWN IS ON! Started at about 12:30pm today off of Belvedere Island. I used a 8’ casting net by boat and caught my limit by 1pm. Lots of seal activity close to shore. Head to the dock with the dry dock boat. Go get em!

    1. Confirming that Belvedere was crazy today. It is only accessible by boat however. We got two limits in 20 minutes from 2:30-3pm. I’m venturing that Elephant Rock and the rock wall at Paradise Drive will hit in the next day or two as the eel grass in the area is void of roe and it is close to Belvedere. It is a great area for shore casters as well as boats. Good luck all.

  16. Herring Deficit Disorder

    Crissy Field pier 2pm today small flock of gulls diving around a sea lion. No spawn on shore. Crabbers were ignoring the whole thing.

    1. The Lost Anchovy

      Thanks moon. The action is by boat this morning but the guys on shore were able to get it at night yesterday. They come in and out of the shore but the spawn is on! Thanks! — TLA

    2. Went back to Sausalito after a report from a Facebook Group saying the spawn was on, Got there about 7pm and there was still nothing. Checked Spinnakers, The Ferry Terminal, and the public boat ramp. No sign that a spawn ever happened, no eggs on the grass, scales, birds, etc.
      Same with Elephant Rock around 5pm.

  17. 1/18/25 sunset to~7:30 pm got 2/3 of a bucket next to Spinnakers.. Very consistent able to catch a 1-5 fish with every cast, every once in a while up to ~ 10 in a cast. I was not expecting anything,there were not many birds and no signs of eggs.

  18. 1/18 8:30 pm: Tried a few cast just on the North side of Spinnaker. We got nothing with a 3 ft net. There were some guys with what it looked like a 6 ft net that were there for a while. They had about 1/3 bucket full, and every now and then they would get one fish. We moved on and tried the public boat ramp just to the north and still nothing.

  19. The Herring catching started up in Humboldt Bay today, Sat 18th.
    Not a large school but decent size so that Sabiki fishers were
    able to get up to 1/3 of a 5 gallon bucket for a few hours fishing
    from boats in the middle of our main channel..
    This is a bit early for us here in Humboldt Bay but I suspect it will
    get better in the next week.

    Sounds like Richardson Bay should be going on big pretty soon.
    Hope it happens for you guys.

  20. 1/17 4:30-7:00 PM Bay was glassy with zero bird activity, some seals and sea lions cruising. Was on the pier behind Spinnaker and noticed a sea lions doing laps across the mouth of the first harbor to your right if you’re on the pier facing shore. Walked down the first empty gangway and got half a bucket in over about an hour casting towards the channel.

  21. I kayaked out around Richardson’s Bay counterclockwise today (1/17) from 7:30am-1:30pm. On my way out to the end of Belvedere from Salito’s and along the Belvedere shoreline to the back of the bay, there were a few sea lions, but almost no birds until I got to the back (nw end). I got to the Sausalito side, nw of Dunphy Park where most birds were hanging out around 8:45-9am. Periodically, some would make a lot of noise, and one would get something (either a herring or eel grass with eggs) and they’d chase each other. Most just sat on the water. Lots of sea lions were swimming around. I threw my cast net from about 9am-1:30pm, and ended up with about 1/3 of a bucket. I caught most fish in the first two hours and it gradually tapered off after that. I had a couple 5-7 herring casts, but most were 1-3 herring every 5-10 casts. It was a little slow, but I still got some. Only one other boat out near me. There were also eggs on the eel grass and seaweed where I was, but not a ton and it depended on where I drifted. Some adjacent spots didn’t have any eggs on the seaweed.

  22. Fri the 17th at 4:30. Just checked Richmond point. Nothing. There are a good number of birds on the field that I have not seen all the other times. Hopefully soon.

  23. After my past yesterday I started fasting from behind Spinnaker with Adrian and another fella. They were getting 1-3/cast from 8-10pm. My cast net only got a few each time since it was only 6ft with not very heavy weights. Going to get a 8-10ft net and heavier weights. Will be back Monday or Tuesday night.

  24. I was at Salito’s from 1230 to 330 today and managed to get a 1/3 of a bucket, was definitely off and on…every 15 minutes or so a school would come by and people would start getting 5-10 fish in a cast, and then within a few minutes it was back to nothing or 1-2 fish every few casts. At 3ish we had a seal come by and ruined 2 guys nets, fish cleared out after that until I left. Boaters/kayakers were doing much better, I saw a few really good 20-30 fish casts. Apparently the parking lot over by pelican harbor was a bit more “on” from 1230-130, but then turned more similar to salitos. A yacht club guy was out yelling at people over there about no fishing and such, so some folks left and came over to salitos.

    1. Thanks for the report. That seems very accurate from what I heard today. It’s good news that the fish are closer to shore now and within cast net range for shore anglers. Sea lions are definitely a problem and will ruin nets so make sure to bring an extra net

  25. Been posted up at Spinnaker from 11am to 7:30pm. A few pelicans diving, lots of birds, but no herring near shore. Water is milky but no eggs on the eelgrass/seaweed.

    1. Sausalito might be but nothing on the shore as far as eggs from Spinnaker to Seminary and I walked out on the low… They are out there according to the birds and seals.

  26. Got to Spinnaker (on shore) this early morning at 3am , stay till 7am till four uninvited seals show up crash the party and started chomping on nets, got about a bucket 5gallon of herrings. consistently getting 3-10 herring every cast, some cast return 30+. its almost time!

  27. January 12 I checked out peninsula locations. Coyote Point, Candlestick Point, Agua Vista, Pier 50, McCovey Cove, Ferry Building all had no action, no birds. Checked in late afternoon.

  28. Nothing happening in Sausalito as of 2:15. Very few birds gathered off Dunphys. 3 boats hunting and casting, looks to me like they are coming up dry. Checked Spinnaker, Pelican, Dunphys. Glassed the entire area.

  29. Headed out to Dunphy and Salito’s this morning around 8am. Lots of birds and sea lions, as has been the case since last week, but all just kind of sitting on top of the water or flying around.

  30. We fished Richardson Bay yesterday, January 12. The Herring would not take the Sabiki trigs. Did not have a net with us. However, there was maybe 6 to 8 other boats, throwing nets and doing reasonably well. It was a little hit and miss for some, plenty of bird activity and Harbor seals by the moorings

  31. Spawn was definitely on by boat out from Dunphy Park Sunday 1/12 . You needed a boat to get out there, but there were birds and seals all around. I was out with a buddy and at 1pm we were catching 1-5 herring per cast with the nets (4ft and 6ft radius). At 3:30pm we were getting 15-20 per cast. By the time we left around 4pm we could fill 1/3 of a 5 gal bucket with a single throw!

  32. Spawn was definitely on by boat out from Dunphy Park Sunday 1/12 . You needed a boat to get out there, but there were birds and seals all around. I was out with a buddy and at 1pm we were catching 1-5 herring per cast with the nets (4ft and 6ft radius). At 3:30pm we were getting 15-20 per cast. By the time we left around 4pm we could fill 1/3 of a 5 gal bucket with a single throw!

  33. Quiet at Spinnaker at 8:3am today.
    Same for Dunphy Park but there were some birds a couple hundred feet offshore.
    Nothing happening in Tiburon around Elephant Rock.
    But a TON of birds in Richardson Bay, looks like they are waiting for something to happen 😏

  34. Has anyone heard anything from any fisheries folks about the lack of a major spawn event last season? Really curious to hear if the total numbers were really way down as observations would suggest or if they just launched a sneak attack and we all missed it. As badly as I want to get some herring for this year’s halibut season and for lots of jars of pickled fish I am concerned for the health of the herring fishery in general given last year. We have already lost salmon…I’m pretty sure Halibut numbers are on the way down, seeing increasing rockfish limitations. All these gamefish rely on the herring along of course with the anchovies and sardines. Any insights anyone has are greatly appreciated!

    1. I called water 2 table and they told me that no commercial herring fishing is happening right now and there is little chance there will be. I would love to buy a couple of dozen or more freshly caught herring for pickling. I am old and going out to catch by myself will not work. Please text or call me 415-513-2315 if you have anything for sale. If you know of a store that sells fresh herring please let me know. I’d appreciate any info you can provide.


    2. The Lost Anchovy

      I think the fishery people stop conducting annual counts as they did in the past. Maybe do to lack of funding or change in focus. I’ll write something up at the end the season for curious minds.

    3. Last year was a slow year for Humboldt Bay Herring also.
      People looked but they only saw a few smallish schools and got small
      numbers compared to most years.
      Crescent City Harbor had the best Herring Run I have seen in 18 years.
      They had two major Herring Runs and Spawns all within the small Harbor.
      Newport had a decent Herring Run last year.

      If I had to guess, it would have to be timing and the conditions that the Herring like.
      The Crescent City and Newport Herring Runs are later in the year.
      I think the weather and the ocean were better later last year.
      The typical SF Bay Herring Run times and the water conditions at that time might
      have been a turn off for most of those Herring.
      This is only a guess.
      This years conditions appear to be better. The ocean is starting to calm down and
      there is little rain in the forecast.
      If I had to guess, I think SF Bay’s Herring Run and Spawn should be good this year.
      Someone posted earlier that next week might be the best bet for a good Run and Spawn.
      Wait and see how it goes. There are a lot of people looking so the word will likely get out.
      I say, be ready to go. Ever a Herring optimist.

  35. My post seems to have disappeared. Last night 1/10 I was near Dunphy Park around 5 to 8 PM. I walked all along the Sausalito shoreline and did not see anything on shore, But I did meet two people coming back in small boats that had caught 50 or so each., about 500 ft offshore. I was gifted one! Thanks to the successful kayak fisherman.

      1. The Lost Anchovy

        I think we just wait it out and see where it goes this year. We are just starting to get into the thick of it and will know more by the end of January

  36. Took the Kayak out at 7am this morning lots of birds and seals….not a lot of fish only 12 for about 3 hours of throwing my net.

    1. The Lost Anchovy

      The South Bay, over the last few years has been difficult. I hope one day the fish will return to those spots. Or they are spawning at night away from our sights

  37. Checked three spots in Sausalito yesterday evening at low tide (the 9th)- dunphy, spinnaker and that spot in between. Didn’t see eggs or scales on the shore and minimal bird activity. By the ferry building I saw one piece of uprooted eelgrass that floated in with only a dozen fresh herring eggs on it. There may have been a big school of birds out towards tiburon/angel island, but it was too far out for me to tell.

  38. Checked Sausalito yesterday evening (1/08). Good amount of bird activity visible from shore. Nothing happening along the shoreline.

    1. I’met a few people coming to shore in small boats in Richardson,Bay between 5-7pm. Said they caught a few. Any predictions for weekend activity?

      1. The Lost Anchovy

        Hard to say anything about these fish. There is a Change to their behavior over the last few years. Just have to go and try it the best you can

  39. Jan 8, 2025 – Large spawn in the anchorage off Dunphy Park in Richardson Bay. I was told it started at 2pm and it was definitely active at dark. Boat is needed to participate – but I’m hopeful they come onshore on the morning high.

    1. At the high now, not yet counted 39 seals right outside the park here. It’s going nuts still way out. We have to be Only a few tides away.

    2. It happens when it happens has been my mantra for many years.

      From my recollection, the Herring typically start to school first and
      work their way around for a while. You may be waiting a while before
      they head towards the shoreline.
      Note that I am very often wrong reading the Herring.

      If it were me:
      I’d get a boat or kayak and head out if you want to get into them sooner
      rather than later. Watch the schools for a while and note which direction
      they are headed or which way the Harbor Seals are herding them.
      Position your boat ahead of them and wait for them quietly on anchor.
      Cast net or Sabiki them as they swim by.

      Good luck Herring loving maniacs.

  40. Sunday we were at Richardson bay on the boat. Very spotty 1-4 at time . Not pushing to shore yet. Lots of birds . Ended with half bucket in 2 hrs .

  41. Not sure if it was herring, but saw a group of 5-6 seals chasing a group of something near the Alameda Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal. No birds tho…

  42. Hey guys, I’m a new bay area fisherman (based in West Marin) and am looking to connect with a boat owner to go out with and get some herring, Crab, etc this season. I have the gear I need and would love to share fuel costs and chip in otherwise to make it fair. Let me know if anyone is interested!

    1. Suggestion…make it more than fair. You should be paying for 100% of the gas at a minimum and probably picking up the beers, ice, lunch and anything else you think of. As a boat owner, given the amount of brain power that goes into the logistics, the added PITA involved to meet up with anyone much less some random off the internet means it probably isn’t gonna happen especially if “sharing fuel costs and chipping in otherwise” is the sweetener unless you find an absolute saint!

      Just my two cents. Good luck and don’t take it the wrong way! Not trying to be mean…just trying to get you on a boat!

  43. The herring are definitely staging in Richardson Bay. I netted 32 in 30 min by boat on the East side near the Tiburon/Belevedere shoreline. Lots of birds and seal activity…..…a spawn is immenent.

  44. Checked Paradise, Elephant, and Spinnaker this afternoon – nothing in casting range. Some bird action out in the middle of Richardson.

  45. Dennis Matsunaga

    Checked out Richardson Bay from the GG Bridge to Elephant Rock. Large concentration of gulls beyond shore casting range at the houseboats south of the seaplane place. This was yesterday Dec 31.

  46. Walked most of the way to the end of Alameda Rock Wall 12/30 from 6:30-9:00. Nada inshore, seaweed completely covered with roe further out. Birds not interested, idle seals and sea lions.

  47. Nothing at clipper or Spinnaker this morning, but across the bay at the point between Richardson and Belvedere Cove is a significant amount of bird activity all the way up against the shoreline, which I don’t think you can get to other than boat.. maybe elephant Rok will be next?

    1. This Sturgytees guy is full of it I have been following what he says for years. He is always wrong don’t listen to this guy. This guy thinks he is so smart with his fancy marine biologist degree.

  48. Netted with some friends at spinnaker today 12/29/2024 8pm to midnight, was able to net 1 bucket full, mostly medium size and few handful of big ones with eggs. no eggs on eelgrasses pulled up. anytime now! my friend got there little earlier and he was able to score 2 buckets by midnight. – stay safe and warm go with a friend.. Mark Aquino you will be DEEPLY DEEPLY missed, everytime i see a net that is repaired by a ziptie i will always always think of you brother..

  49. Got some on my boat today off Dumphy. Only 2 throws found herring. Eggs are starting to show in eel grass. Previously scouted ARW and Oracle park for nothing.

  50. So far this morning, nothing at Dunphy Park clipper or at Spinnaker.
    The fur bags are definitely in the area and at the first marker outside of the Sausalito yacht Harbor is where it’s st Fishable by boat or board
    I think this is what occurs now in this area with all the boats being pulled out in the habitat restorations projects on the eelgrass are out in the channel

      1. No birds at ft baker pier yesterday (Sunday 1/5) only 1 sea lion despite usual crowd of family crabbers offering chicken on a platter.

  51. Herring spawn currently showing off Spinnaker at the lighted buoy marking the entrance to Richardson Bay in the deeper water, only fishable by boat. Second location also popping up On the backside of the restaurant closer to the channel.

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