2024 Spiny Lobster Opener | A Road Trip to Remember

Written by The Lost Anchovy 10.10.2024

The 2024 Spiny Lobster Opener | A Road Trip to Remember

The 2024 Spiny Lobster Opener had been marked on my calendar for months, and the day had finally come. I loaded up my Tesla Model Y, double-checked my gear, and hit the road, ready to head down to Redondo Beach’s King Harbor. Along for the ride was my friend Thuy (Fishing247), who was about to experience spiny lobster kayak fishing for the first time. The energy leaving before leaving was palpable. We were excited to get this trip on the road! Of course it would not be a CHOVY adventure with out some drama!

De-electrified | We ran out of JUICE!

Pushing Tesla

Half way down the SoCal – laughing and enjoy the trip… maybe a little too much; I miss my supercharger stop. Long story shot; we ended up pushing my model Y to the nearest station. Luckily it was not too far away from where the car stopped. Haha..

The kindness of people is something I’m always amazed with. Don’t believe the MEDIA about how divided a people we are. We are far from it. People are kind and always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need and in trouble!

We pushed it to the nearest Supercharger. It sounds insane, and honestly, it kind of was. But there we were, pushing a Tesla in the middle of the day and, laughing at the absurdity of it all.

Zacatecas - The Restaurant to VISIT!

Zacatecas restaurant red burrito

To kick things off, we made a detour to one of my favorite spots: Zacatecas Mexican Restaurant in Hawthorne. I’ve been going there for years, and it’s always a mandatory stop when I’m in the area. I ordered my go-to: a wet Carne Asada burrito with red sauce. Thuy followed my lead and order the green version, and as we sat down to eat, I couldn’t help but noticed the fear in Thuy’s eyes about how good and BIG the food was! The burrito was huge, flavorful, and exactly what I needed before a long night of fishing. If you’re ever in the area, I can’t recommend Zacatecas enough—great food, great prices, and excellent service.

Full and charged, we continued our drive to King Harbor, the excitement building as we got closer.


TLA with spiny Lobster
Redando Beach Sunset

By the time we arrived at King Harbor, the sun was starting to set. We unloaded the kayaks and prepped our gear, with Thuy a little nervous but mostly excited about his first spiny lobster trip. I could feel the anticipation kicking in as we launched the kayaks into the harbor, the dark water reflecting the lights of Redondo Beach. With over 30-40 Kayakers looking for their own lobster the atmosphere was like Christmas. We all wanted to pull our hoops and open our presents!  Thuy was excited to see the lights, excitement and compradore of the kayak fishing community.

The Insta360 camera I’d brought along was rolling, capturing the entire scene for my YouTube channel.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly—until the drama started….

TNT Ain't Got not DRAMA on ME!

The first sign of trouble came when Thuy realized his rod was missing after deploying his pots. That meant no mackerel fishing for him tonight, which was disappointing since he had been really looking forward to it. Things got worse when his kayak’s rudder line snapped while we were fishing in the dark. With no way to steer, his kayak began drifting dangerously close to the harbor’s rock wall. I could hear the unease in his voice as he struggled to maintain control. In the pitch-black night, we scrambled to find a solution and get him back on course before things took a more dangerous turn.

We did our best to stay calm and set things straight. Lady Luck was still somewhat on our side as the lobsters began to crawl, and slowly but surely, we started pulling them in. Soon, Thuy had over four lobsters in his net, and I had five, including a particularly large one!

But the drama didn’t end there…

When I removed my dive bag, I discovered that the line had snapped, leaving my lobsters somewhere at the bottom of the ocean. At this point, “defeated” felt like an understatement. I called Thuy and said, “Let’s call it a night. We still have some lobsters, so let’s cut our losses.”

Unfortunately, the night wasn’t done with us yet.

As I packed up my gear, I realized I couldn’t find my last pot. I frantically scanned the water. “It was right here! I marked it on my fish finder.” Did someone steal it? I wondered.

Then, in the distance, I spotted a small float that looked like my pot, far from where I had marked it. Things didn’t look good, and they weren’t. As I pulled it up, my worst fear was confirmed—a small skiff had sliced my buoy line clean off with its motor, and my net was gone, lost in the depths of the ocean. Frustration and anger washed over me. What is wrong with these people? Why couldn’t they take some precautions and avoid running over others’ traps? Instead, they had placed their pots over ours and carelessly cut our lines with their motors.

At this point, anger felt entirely justified.

The Silver Lining!

Redando Beach Spiny Lobster

Despite all the challenges, we still managed to come home with five spiny lobsters between the two of us. It wasn’t the haul we had hoped for, but it was a victory nonetheless. After everything we went through, those five lobsters felt like a hard-earned reward for the both of us.

Even though the night had its share of mishaps, the moments in between made it all worthwhile. We spent the evening laughing at our bad luck, swapping stories, and making memories that I knew would last long after the trip was over. Kayak fishing for mackerel was another highlight—those little guys were everywhere, and I caught more than I could count.

The End to An Amazing Journey!

Thuy (Fishign247)

Looking back, the 2024 Spiny Lobster Opener was an adventure in every sense of the word. There was more drama than I expected—losing nets, broken rudder lines, a dead Tesla, and even a few lost lobsters—but it was all part of the journey. Thuy (Fishing247) handled his first spiny lobster trip like a champ, and I couldn’t be prouder of how we tackled every challenge thrown our way.

In the end, it wasn’t just about the lobsters. It was about the memories we made, the laughs we shared, and the stories we’ll be telling for years to come. Would I do it all over again? Absolutely.

Like Thuy says life is short “Take care of your mind! Take are of your BODY!!” And take care to make the memories that count! Yah baby!!!  – TLA

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