2018 Dungeness Crab Opener
Sorry, that it has been awhile since my last post. The Lost Anchovy has been truly LOST in school and learning to code and program. It has been a memorable experience and i’m looking forward to revamping TLA in the new year with my new learned skills. Look forward it.
For those waiting for the Dungeness crab opener, it is finally HERE! The regulations have not changed from last year, that I know of, but for those going out, i would recommend brushing up on them. — read my 2017 Dungeness Crab Opener blog entry.
Crazy did manage to get out for the Crab Opener and here is his report.
2018 Half Moon Bay Crab Opener
Report by CrazyFisher
With all the report of Dungie
I had to get on it. Since Salmon Uber is on-hold until next year, I applied for Dungie Lyft for some work in the meantime.

Arrived and already a ton of boaters were leaving the jaws. I drove around putting my number out (1-800-pick-me-up) in about 40-44 feet of water between the green can and the beach. Left the poster up and went RF for more bait.
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Did that for an hour until I got a call.
Stranger: Can you come pick me up.
Me: Sure, I’ll be right over
The first stop produced two fat 7 plus inch dungie. As soon as I picked them up I got a text to pick up a group on my next stop. Arrived and as I pulled up, I see a gang load of drunken dungie waiting for me. They must have been out partying on the opener. I told them I only had room for 8. I can only take 6.5 to 7+ inch wide dungie. One by one I measure and one by one I situated them in their seats. Got 9 seated in two stops…not bad haul at all. I dropped it down again. Watching fantasy football, I get a call 10 mins later to come pick them up.Swung by and found 4 willing dungie to claim the last seat. The biggest one win the spot and just like that I’m done. I could have gone home but decided to hang out and fish a little. Home before dark is always a bonus!! Traffic was very very light as well too…woo hoo.

Fresh crab…can’t wait to go again!! Happy hunting!!
I used my halibut guts and carcass from last week as well as salmon head and guts. Mix in with some old chovy and squid.
Crazy Fisher