The Lost Anchovy and Company

Alameda RockWall to Oyster Point – 3 days and 5 halibut

Alameda RockWall to Oyster Point – 3 days and 5 halibut
by The Lost Anchovy

Friday 5/26/2018
Fishing Partner – James M & Company

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Friday was the start of the weekend long halibut Marathon. I haven’t fished much since the Fish and Learn, and was itching to get out. The forecast was calling for choppy morning weather but good tides.

JamesM Famous Shiner Perch
JamesM Famous Shiner Perch

I made some famous JamesM shiner perch the day before and met him and his homies at the launch at 6:30 a.m. They took off to get on the bite and I followed shortly. The morning tides made the water murky and hard to fish. James and company were working a good spot with A LOT of bait but only smaller fish wanted to play

I worked some GPS locations but quickly decided I needed to move. I joined them then made a b-line to closer waters. As I moved into a prime location I see a school of bait fish move quickly through my FF, and something chasing it right behind.

Immediately my pole doubles over and peels line. For sure this was a legal. I sent out eviction papers and took out the squatter from Hotel halibut.

We worked the area for a few more hours then called it quits by late afternoon.

California Halibut
California Halibut

Body count – 25 inch halibut

Sat 5.27.2018
Fishing Partner – Jon (CrazyFisher)

The next day, I had a day lined up with Crazy for some more halibut trolling. Besides my legal fish it was rather slow at the wall so we decided to give oyster point a shot. We met up in the early morning at 6:30 a.m. and OTW at 7:15

I knew something was going on when I saw Crazy pull up next to me. He looked different — a little giddy. I know this look well. He usually gets like this when he gets a new toy —I wasn’t wrong. We set up and this guys is decked out. PIMP his ride. TLA —So jelly.

Decked out Crazyfisher!

The water was choppy again but laid down nice by 10:00 a.m. We decided to make a b-line to the A Crane to search out the area. There are a few GPS spots that I have marked in the past that were productive

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As the tide rolled back, the fish came on —text book fish. I was drifting a ledge when a large mass of bait fish comes under me. I drop a famous JamesM shiner down and immediately feel the tug of a large fish.

The fish grabs the bait and loads up big time!! I feel the head shakes and it starts the dance. I made short work of it and got it on the clip —24.5 legal fish. I work the general area for the next hour with numerous undersized fish, then another 23 inches decides to join his friend.

California Halibut
California Halibut

Saturday body count – 24.5, and 23 inch fish

Sun 5.28.2018
Fishing Partner – Kirk (lilriverman)

I had promised Kirk that we would fish Sunday at the Wall, so I followed through. However, with two full days under my belt, I’m was hurting. I would make my best effort to get us on some fish but no promises.

Unlike the other two days, Sunday was gorgeous. The bay laid flat like a lake. I told Kirk the plan. We worked the deep waters in the morning with numerous undersize fish. I knew as the tide rolled back we had the best shot for our keeper. The real question was “Where” was the legal fish?

The deep water showed great promise with bait moving through the system; however, we were staying over undersize fish. I made the decision to move to another productive GPS point. I was hesitant because we would be fighting the tides back but “no pain, no gain”.

We arrived at my spot as the slack tide was just ending. I didn’t mark any bait fish but decided to give it a go. I knew, from experience, once the tides moved the bait fish would show up and the halibut would bite under them.

I drop my famous JamesM shiner on my spot and decided to take a break. From my FF screen I slowly mark an ARC swim up from the bottom.

OH BOY!! Suddenly my pole doubles over and loads up big TIME! This was a good one for sure. I felt the weight bend over my rod and it takes some violent runs. I get it surface and it was pushing 29-30 inches. I net it swiftly and get it on the clip.

Kirk follows behind and we circle the area looking for a bigger brother. After 30-35 minutes Kirk decides to move in closer to the wall. I move in closer and manage another 22 inch legal fish. Wind picked up as usual and  we decide to call it a day.

Body count – 29, and 22 inch fish.

Note: I also ran into Alameda on Sunday. He got a sweet ride and took his son out fishing.
They had an amazing time and his kid was smiling ear to ear. Good stuff right there. He also managed to get a large 27-28 inches.

Tight lines,

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